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Discover Dalyan Estuary & Iztuzu Beach

Discover Dalyan & Iztuzu

Dalyan is a small town situated in the southwestern coast of Turkey, famous for its stunning natural beauty, including the İztuzu Beach, Lycian rock tombs, and the Dalyan River. It’s also a popular destination for eco-tourism due to its conservation efforts for the loggerhead sea turtles that nest on the beach.

The Dalyan estuary is a natural channel that connects the Köyceğiz Lake to the Mediterranean Sea, located in the town of Dalyan in southwestern Turkey. The estuary is about 12 kilometers long and is surrounded by reed beds, sand dunes, and pine forests. It’s a unique ecosystem that supports a variety of flora and fauna, including the endangered loggerhead sea turtles that come to İztuzu Beach to lay their eggs. The Dalyan estuary is also known for its therapeutic mud baths, which are believed to have healing properties for various skin conditions.

The Dalyan turtles, also known as loggerhead sea turtles, are an endangered species of sea turtles that nest on İztuzu Beach, located near the Dalyan estuary in southwestern Turkey. These turtles can grow up to a meter in length and weigh up to 135 kg. They are known for their distinctive reddish-brown shells and powerful flippers that enable them to swim long distances in the open sea.

The Dalyan turtles are under threat from habitat loss, pollution, and climate change, which has led to a decline in their population. İztuzu Beach is a protected area, and several conservation efforts have been put in place to protect the turtles, including limiting beach access during nesting season and monitoring the beach for illegal activity.

Tourists can take boat tours to see the turtles in their natural habitat, but it’s important to ensure that these tours are conducted responsibly and do not disturb the turtles or their nests.

Good to Know

Dalyan Trips
A holiday, a short break or a day trip...
Jump on a Boat
Dalyan Estuary River Trip to Iztuzu Beach is a must...
Also known as "Turtle Beach"
A protected area, it is a major nesting ground for Caretta Caretta (loggerhead turtles).
Iztuzu Beach - a Must!
Beautiful beach with sun loungers, umbrellas & cafeterias...
Cleanse your Self
Get muddy in the mud baths & rejuvenate yourself...

More about Dalyan

Dalyan İztuzu Beach is a beautiful 4.5 km long sandy beach located near the town of Dalyan in southwestern Turkey. The beach is situated in a natural reserve and is home to the endangered Dalyan turtles, also known as loggerhead sea turtles. The beach is a popular tourist destination and has been named one of the best beaches in Turkey.

One of the unique features of İztuzu Beach is that it is a nesting ground for the Dalyan turtles. During the nesting season, visitors are not allowed on the beach at night to avoid disturbing the turtles. The beach is also a popular spot for windsurfing, kite surfing, and other water sports.

The Dalyan River flows into the sea at İztuzu Beach, and visitors can take boat tours up the river to see the ancient Lycian tombs carved into the cliffs. The river is also home to freshwater turtles and various bird species.

To protect the Dalyan turtles, the beach has been designated as a protected area, and various conservation efforts have been put in place. Visitors are encouraged to follow the rules and guidelines to ensure the preservation of this beautiful and unique ecosystem.

June Haimoff was a British naturalist who dedicated her life to protecting the endangered Loggerhead sea turtles in Dalyan, Turkey. She moved to Dalyan in 1975 and became enamored with the turtles that nested on İztuzu Beach. She started monitoring the turtles and educating locals and tourists about the importance of protecting them.

In 1988, a hotel development threatened the nesting grounds of the turtles on İztuzu Beach. June led a campaign to stop the development and raised awareness about the importance of preserving the beach and the turtles. Her efforts paid off, and the Turkish government declared İztuzu Beach a protected area, saving it from development.

June continued to monitor the turtles on İztuzu Beach until her death in 2019 at the age of 93. Her legacy lives on, as the beach and the turtles remain protected, and her work has inspired others to continue her mission of conservation and protection of the Loggerhead sea turtles. There is a statue of June Haimoff on İztuzu Beach in her honor, and she is remembered as a hero among the locals and conservationists alike.